Welcome Statement
Welcome to the Lanesville Community Center. The Board of the Lanesville Community Center is proud to offer the building and grounds for use by individuals, groups, and organizations.
We appreciate your interest in renting the Center for your upcoming event. The Center is available for LCC sponsored and private events such as children’s parties, family gatherings, workshops, meetings, and community programs.
Private Events
Calendar bookings are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. Private events are fee-based (see rate structure below). A modest and refundable security/cleaning deposit is required for all private events. A signed contract, along with the rental fees, must be received to confirm a private event booking. Requests to inspect the facilities may be made by email, or a visit to the facility is recommended during one of our regular events including our Monthly Board Meeting on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. The Lanesville Community Center reserves the right to refuse bookings. Additional usage conditions may be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors
Scheduling an Event
For all private rental inquiries, please email lanesvillecommunitycenter@gmail.com. Please include your name, contact information (email and phone), proposed date, time, and type of event. The scheduler will typically respond to your inquiry within three business days.
Private Event Rental Fee Schedule:
Effective as of January 1, 2023, LCC Rental fees are as follows:
$150 — Minimum 4-hour rental
$300 — Up to 8 hours
$500 — “all day” 6:00am to 10:00pm
LCC Sponsorship of Community Events
The LCC encourages the use of its facilities by individuals and organizations (including non-profits) providing a service that benefits members of the community. In order for the LCC to sponsor a community event, a written proposal must be submitted to the LCC Board of Directors for consideration and approval. Submissions must be made via email (lanesvillecommunitycenter@gmail.com) by the first day of the month preceding the proposed event (not less than 28 days prior to the event). Proposals for LCC sponsored events should include the following:
The name and contact information (address, email address, and phone number) of the organizer.
The requested date of the event (please check the LCC calendar on the website for availability).
An abstract of the event’s content including a title, purpose, and intended audience.
The event’s expected expenses including an allowance for funding the LCC’s minimum costs (maintenance, cleaning, heat, lights, etc).
Any special needs for the event (volunteers, food and/or liquor, etc)
Proposals will be discussed and decided at the monthly LCC Board meeting on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. Applicants are encouraged to attend to answer questions about the proposed community event. LCC Board will notify applicants about the decision of the Board within two business days of the monthly board meeting.
Security/Cleaning Deposit
A security and cleaning deposit — a separate check in the amount of $150 for private events — will be used to confirm a booking for private events and will be held until after an inspection of the property shows that it has been left clean and damage-free. If so, the check will be left undeposited and destroyed. If damages occur or additional cleaning is necessary, the deposit funds will be used to cover these costs. A signed contract must accompany the deposit.
Lanesville Community Center (LCC) Usage Policies
No Residency Requirement
While the LCC is considered primarily a local community resource, there is no Lanesville neighborhood of Gloucester city residency requirement to use its facilities. Any person or organization may arrange to do so.
LCC is dependent on donations to keep the doors open, the lights on, the heat going, the floor and bathrooms clean. We ask that event attendees consider making a cash donation toward upkeep via the box marked “Donations” in the foyer of the building.
Description of Facilities
The LCC provides use of the main building and grounds located at 8 Vulcan Street, Gloucester, MA 01930. The Virginia Lee Burton Writing Cottage is NOT available for rental and usage apart from LCC events at this time. The main building is fully handicapped-accessible. The kitchen consists of the following:
three stainless steel sinks
standard-sized refrigerator (small separate freezer)
standard-sized electric oven and 4-burner range top (No cooking allowed on-premise; reheating only)
microwave oven
50-cup coffee percolator
cleaning supplies
NOTE: Users are expected to provide their own serving dishes, cutlery, napkins, and trash bags
are handicapped-accessible
men’s room contains one stall and one urinal
women’s room contains two stalls
toilet paper, paper towels, and hand soap are supplied
It is expected that after events, the renter will leave the building and grounds clean, free of personal belongings, and damage-free. Cleaning supplies are provided for use.
Trash Removal
All trash and recycling must be removed by the user at the end of the rental period.
Food Service
It is the responsibility of the renter to provide catering. The Lanesville Community Center does not provide food service or hold any responsibility in the distribution or consumption of food products. The cater must carry and provide proof of Liability Insurance prior to the date of the event.
Alcohol Distribution and Consumption
The Lanesville Community Center holds no responsibility for the distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages. If alcohol is to be consumed, a liquor liability policy naming the LCC as 2nd insured must be obtained by the user and a copy of it provided before the event. Some caterers and all bartending services provide this type of insurance coverage. The LCC will be happy to recommend available sources to you at the time of booking.
In consideration of our neighbors, amplified music played outdoors must be kept at a reasonable level, and must be turned off by 9:30 PM or brought inside the building by 9:30 PM.
Parking for the LCC is located perpendicular to Vulcan Street in front of the building. Parallel parking is allowed on parts of Vulcan Street, High Street, and Emerald Streets.
Smoking is not permitted inside the building at any time. Please provide a fire-proof receptacle outside for your smoking guests.
Dogs and Other Pets
In keeping with Gloucester City policy, dogs and other animals are not permitted inside the building when food is being served to the general public. A guide dog on a lead with its handler is an exception.
Our interior space provides for a standing room for 200 people, open-seating for 148 chairs, and table seating for 70 people.
The LCC has fifteen 8’ tables (seating 8), six 6’ tables (seating 6), and 100+ metal folding chairs for use at events. Additional needs must be rented.
Exterior events can accommodate parties up to 250. Very large parties may require the rental of porta-potties for the comfort of guests.
We thank you for your interest in renting the Lanesville Community Center!